About Our Name

Who Is Cadmus?

How did we get our name?! It started when our thoughts wandered to the Greek gods and mythology. We wondered, is there a god of teeth? There is a God for just about everything in the Greek mythology, so there must be a tooth god for sure!

So we found Him!

Cadmus was the son of Agenor, king of Tyre, and his queen, Telephassa. He was tasked to find his sister who’d been abducted by Zeus for her beauty and whisked away across the sea.

Cadmus found an Oracle who advised him to give up his search, follow a cow and make a new city on the spot where the cow would lay.

When Cadmus attempted to sacrifice the cow to Athena, the goddess of heroic endeavor, he was attacked by a serpent-like dragon!

Cadmus killed the dragon after a short struggle, took the teeth from the dragon, and planted half of them into the ground. From them sprang an army with which he founded the city and became the first king of Thebes.

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